This print was inspired by a little girl. Whenever it rained, she would go outside- and hands white from clutching the umbrella in the cold- she would hold it lovingly over her family's cat, sheltered together in safety from the rain. As the cat curled up on her lap and fell asleep, she would shiver for over an hour, maybe two. Yet, she wanted to be there- to actively care for a loved one out alone in the cold. And as rain poured around them, it wasn’t about her. It was about another. Sacrifice is part of what it means to truly love, and every day we have opportunities to care for others in both little and big ways. This print is a gentle reminder of the beauty of unconditional love and the most meaningful every-weather friendships.
▻ Original, freehand ink and watercolor painting printed on 140 lb. cold press acid-free watercolor paper
▻ 8x10 art print
▻ Packaged in biodegradable cello sleeve with protective chipboard backing
▻ Picture frame not included.
♻ Lacelit cards come with a recycled envelope, are packaged in plant-based biodegradable cello sleeves to reduce plastic waste, shipped in recycled and recyclable mailers, and accompanied by repurposed materials.
All designs, photography and graphics are copyright registered and may not be reproduced, altered, or used without written permission from the artist. © Kimberly K. Taylor-Pestell / Lacelit
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SKU: AP-16
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