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"Tomorrow" always seems to carry such promise. At a week's end, it may mean that rest is coming. On a calendar, it may anticipate the sharing of candid conversation and lattes with a friend. On a task list, it may signify that there is still time yet.

On this particular Wednesday on the last day in August, it means that Lacelit's fall collection is staying up late because it's too excited to sleep.

And as the final countdown ticks by, there is a sweetened, long-awaited for sigh, which comes at the culmination of months spent conceptualizing, sketching, painting, scanning, rendering, test printing and photographing. Come tomorrow, there will be 36 new designs making their debut in the Lacelit shop.

As for tonight... "tomorrow" means-



Lacelit's fall collection debuts Thursday, Sept. 1 at 12 a.m. PT.

My newsletter readers will receive a message in their inbox at midnight

tonight with several launch surprises. Subscribe by 11:45 p.m. PT to join the fun.

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Welcome to the personal blog of of Kimberly Kuniko, a Nikkei American illustrator, collage artist, poet, and host of cozy, virtual guided creative retreats with a new theme each month.

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© Kimberly Kuniko | Please do not copy, alter, share, or publish my art without permission. If you’d like to use my work, please contact me.

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