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Illustration of Jackie Sun and Kimberly Taylor-Pestell's favorite keepsakes.

Since my earliest days, I have been one who sees people and their naturally beautiful -isms in the objects they have made, carried, saved or shared with others.

When I receive a letter in the post from a friend, I cannot help but take note of the paper they chose, the stamp they placed in the upper right corner, the movement of their penmanship--their essence enclosed in an envelope.

Objects may simply be "things," yet they are also an expression of something whether it be of self or of sentiment. This is why I treasure the littles of keepsakes and why I surround myself with the memories and inspiration tied up in their loveliness.

This sentimental piece is a collaboration with Jackie Sun of Wondershins. Jackie is an intentional artist I met through Instagram only a brief time ago, but whose work and spirit I immediately resonated with in a kindred sort of way. She and I have both been enjoying partaking in and contributing to Art Stew, a cozy community of artists passionate about intentionality and meaningful connection through art. As part of Art Stew, we join fellow artists of all mediums in an exercise to create something new in response to a weekly prompt over a span of 52 weeks.

This piece is our collaborative response for "Diptych," a piece of art made from two related works. We were challenged to pair up another artist and create something together. Jackie and I chose our theme and divvied up the canvas by splitting it in half along diagonally. We did not see each other's interpretation until our individual portions were finished. Jackie's portion is the bottom left corner and mind is the top right.

I couldn't be more delighted with how it turned out and was amazed to see how even our hues complemented each other well.


22/52 :: Diptych

ArtStew52 is a 52-week creative challenge orchestrated by artist Rhea Amyett of Hatching Artist

to spur on creativity in the Instagram community.Artists of all mediums--both visual and written--

commit to exploring a new prompt each week. Join the challenge or follow along with #ArtStew52.

© Kimberly K. Taylor-Pestell 2017 and © Jackie Sun 2017

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Welcome to the personal blog of of Kimberly Kuniko, a Nikkei American illustrator, collage artist, poet, and host of cozy, virtual guided creative retreats with a new theme each month.

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© Kimberly Kuniko | Please do not copy, alter, share, or publish my art without permission. If you’d like to use my work, please contact me.

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