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Photo of a finished illustration featuring four artists and a quote by each.

For our first art prompt of March, we were to create something inspired by one of our fellow art stewards in the Art Stew community. The creativity of these three wonders never ceases to amaze me, and their words are always thoughtfully honest and insightfully true. They pour intentionality into every project, interaction and conversation.

"The most dangerous form of writer's block is not when we have nothing to say, but when we think what we have to say isn't worth anything." - Ashly Hilst

"Dreams are a live wire waiting to spark if properly connected up with faith--and a hot drink."

"When I create, it's a dance between my deep insecurities and the freedom to express myself."

I hope you'll enjoy the loveliness to be found in each of their creative works. I've no doubt you'll be as uplifted by their artistry as I am.


10/55 :: Inspired by An Artist in Stew

ArtStew52 is a 52-week creative challenge orchestrated by artist Rhea Amyett of Hatching Artist

to spur on creativity in the Instagram community.Artists of all mediums--both visual and written--

commit to exploring a new prompt each week. Join the challenge or follow along with #ArtStew52.

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Welcome to the personal blog of of Kimberly Kuniko, a Nikkei American illustrator, collage artist, poet, and host of cozy, virtual guided creative retreats with a new theme each month.

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